Cueva Pintada Museum and Archeological Park / Museums and Galleries

Cueva Pintada (which is the Spanish expression for Painted Cave) was discovered in 1873 by Jose Ramos Orihuela, who named it this way due to the paintings on the cave walls. The cave was opened to the public between 1972 and 1982, but since the paintings soon started to decay, the access of visitors was forbidden.

In return, the museum where the items discovered during the archeological excavations are sheltered offers visitors the opportunity to see 3D films featuring the entire history of the island of Gran Canaria.

Cueva Pintada Museum and Archeological Park (Museo y Parque Arqueologico Cueva Pintada)
2, Audiencia, 35460, Galdar, Gran Canaria, Spain
0034 928 895 489
0034 928 552 402

Attractions in Gran Canaria

Golf in Gran Canaria

Playing golf in Gran Canaria is highly recommended to both professionals and amateurs, golf playing being enabled by the several golf courses on the island


From Gran Canaria to El Hierro

The alternatives in terms of how to get from Gran Canaria to El Hierro are rather limited, since the sea and air line companies linking the two are fewer.


Cactualdea Park

Cactualdea Park is a theme botanical garden pegged out by several other attractions, such as the so-called Guanche cave. It is also home to Lucha Canaria.


Gran Canaria