It seems the huge nature patrimony of Gran Canaria is a never-ending source of opportunities for practicing sundry sports. Thus, the mountainous topography of the island is ideal for trekking and hiking. These sports, as well as the ones related, such as mountain climbing, are the perfect choice for searching out the regions where buses, taxis or cars do not usually go.
Inexperienced people curious about such perspectives can definitely rely on the centers which organize adventure trips, since the said centers are highly professional and able to provide all the information and advices necessary for preparing visitors to face the untamed Gran Canaria. What is even more enticing about such sports is they relate excellently to rural tourism which is, for that matter, a thriving industry in Gran Canaria.
The authority in charge with dealing with certain aspects related to such adventurous sports and leisure refers to Federacion Gran Canaria de Montanismo. In order to get an overall image of the platform provided by Gran Canaria in terms of trekking, hiking, mountain climbing and the like, tourists are advised to use the following information:
Canariaventura offers tourists the opportunity to discover the hidden places of the island of Gran Canaria by practicing mountain climbing.
Fitted with helmets, strings and other protection gears, tourists are given the occasion of searching out the mountain peaks of Gran Canaria and of learning, under the supervision of the club’s instructors, the specific techniques of this sport. The instructors are able to guide tourists on 10 different tracks, according to tourists’ experience and expectations from the trip.
The beaches in the south area of Gran Canaria seem to be the most popular by force of the fact they neighbor upon the most frequented resorts on the island
Perez Galdos was a Spanish literate born in Gran Canaria, whose memory is now honored by the Perez Galdos House Museum. The edifice s located in Las Palmas
The Mother Church of San Juan Bautista is often referred to by the locals as the cathedral of Arucas, despite the fact it does not enjoy this statute.