Roughly speaking, Museo de la Zafra covers an agricultural topic, though a special attention is paid to the growing of tomatoes. The museum tries to unveil the traditional ways of Canarian agriculture, and it provides an insight into how sundry plants, such as vegetables and cereals, were cultivated in the particular climatic and geographic circumstances of Gran Canaria. A special emphasis is laid on the history of tomato growing, since the moment this precious vegetable was brought on the island.
The Antonio Padron House Museum was founded in the honor of Antonio Padron, an artist who has created and worked in sundry fields of art.
The Museum of Sculpture Abraham Cardenes was founded as homage to the work of Abraham Cardenes, an important Spanish sculptor born in Gran Canaria.
Puerto de La Luz of Las Palmas materializes the work of Fernando Leon and Juan Castillo. The Leon y Castillo House Museum honors their contribution.